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AssetsExtractor - Class in
Allows Java IO access to AAR-packaged resources.
AssetsExtractor(Context) - Constructor for class


BoundingBox - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
Face rectangle of bounding box.
BoundingBox(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.BoundingBox


checkLiveness(Image, Meta) - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Pipeline
Check liveness of face from input image.
checkLiveness(Image) - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Pipeline
checkLiveness(ImageBatch, Meta) - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Pipeline
Perform liveness check on a sequence of photos (image batch).
checkLiveness(ImageBatch) - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Pipeline
checkLivenessBatch(Image[], Meta[]) - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Pipeline
Using this method has no benefits compared to the usual checkLiveness method.
checkLivenessBatch(Image[]) - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Pipeline
Using this method has no benefits compared to the usual checkLiveness method.
checkQuality(Image) - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.QualityEngine
Check quality of face from input image.
checkQualityBatch(Image[]) - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.QualityEngine
Using this method has no benefits compared to the usual checkQuality method.
close() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.FaceSdkNativePeer
Releases the native allocated memory
ColorEncoding - Enum in net.idrnd.facesdk
Encoding of color.


DATA_SUBPATH - Static variable in class
detect(Image) - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.DetectEngine
Detect faces from input image.
detectBatch(Image[]) - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.DetectEngine
Using this method has no benefits compared to the usual detect method.
DetectEngine - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
Engine of face detection.
DetectEngine(String, InitConfig) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.DetectEngine
DetectionResult - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
Result of faces detection.
DetectionResult(FaceParameters[], int) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.DetectionResult
detectOnlyBoundingBox(Image) - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.DetectEngine
Detect faces bounding box from input image.
detectOnlyBoundingBoxBatch(Image[]) - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.DetectEngine
Using this method has no benefits compared to the usual detectOnlyBoundingBox method.


equals(Object) - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.FaceSdkNativePeer
extractAssets(boolean) - Method in class
Extracts all assets into app-specific data directory.
extractAssets() - Method in class
Extracts all assets into app-specific data directory.
extractAssets(String, File) - Method in class
Extracts assets using AssetManager, recreating the same structure as in there inside local filesystem.


FaceException - Exception in net.idrnd.facesdk
Runtime exception for Face SDK methods.
FaceException(String) - Constructor for exception net.idrnd.facesdk.FaceException
FaceException(FaceException.Status, String) - Constructor for exception net.idrnd.facesdk.FaceException
FaceException.Status - Enum in net.idrnd.facesdk
Status of FaceSDK exception.
FaceParameters - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
Parameters of face.
FaceParameters(KeyPoints, BoundingBox, HeadPose, float, float, float) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.FaceParameters
FaceSdkNativePeer - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
Common base for all FaceSDK objects that have peers in native layer with life-cycle.
fromCode(int) - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.FaceException.Status
fromCode(int) - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.LicenseFeature
fromCode(int) - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta.Calibration
fromCode(int) - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta.Manufacturer
fromCode(int) - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta.Model
fromCode(int) - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta.Os
fromCode(int) - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.Settings.ThreadingLevel


getBottomRightX() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.BoundingBox
Get X position of right bottom corner.
getBottomRightY() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.BoundingBox
Get Y position of right bottom corner.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.FaceParameters
Get face rectangle of bounding box.
getCalibration() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta
Get liveness checking threshold calibration type.
getCalibrationOrdinal() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta
Get ordinal of liveness checking threshold calibration type enum.
getClosedEyesProbability() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.FaceParameters
Get closed eyes probability.
getCode() - Method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.FaceException.Status
getCode() - Method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta.Calibration
getCode() - Method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta.Manufacturer
getCode() - Method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta.Model
getCode() - Method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta.Os
getCode() - Method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.Settings.ThreadingLevel
getCode() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.StatusInfo
Returns status code.
getExpirationDate() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.LicenseFeatureInfo
The license expiration date.
getFaces() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.DetectionResult
Get parameters of detected faces.
getFeature() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.LicenseFeatureInfo
License feature.
getHeadPose() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.FaceParameters
Get pose of head.
getImages() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.ImageBatch
Get images in FaceSDK format.
getInterpupillaryDistance() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.FaceParameters
Get distance between pupils.
getKeyPoints() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.FaceParameters
Get key points of face.
getLandmarks68() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.KeyPoints
Get coordinates of 68 facial landmarks.
getLeftTopX() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.BoundingBox
Get X position of left top corner.
getLeftTopY() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.BoundingBox
Get Y position of left top corner.
getLicenseFeaturesInfo() - Static method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.VersionInfo
Returns information about all available licensed features.
getLicenseInfo() - Static method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.VersionInfo
Use @VersionInfo.getLicenseFeaturesInfo instead. Returns information about a license if available.
getLivenessResult() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.PipelineResult
Get result of liveness detection.
getManufacturer() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta
Get manufacturer of device.
getManufacturerOrdinal() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta
Get ordinal of manufacturer of device enum.
getMessage() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.StatusInfo
Returns status message.
getModel() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta
Get model of device.
getModelOrdinal() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta
Get ordinal of model of device enum.
getOcclusionProbability() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.FaceParameters
Get face occlusion probability.
getOrientation() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.DetectionResult
Get image orientation in degrees.
getOs() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta
Get operating system of device.
getOsOrdinal() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta
Get ordinal of operating system of device enum.
getOsVersion() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta
Get version of device operating system.
getPitch() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.HeadPose
Get pitch angle in degrees.
getProbability() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.LivenessResult
Get probability of liveness in range=[0, 1].
getQualityResult() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.PipelineResult
Get result of quality estimation.
getRoll() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.HeadPose
Get roll angle in degrees.
getScore() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.LivenessResult
Get linear liveness score: bigger value means more alive.
getScore() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.QualityResult
Get linear quality score: bigger value means higher quality.
getStatus() - Method in exception net.idrnd.facesdk.FaceException
Get status of FaceSDK exception.
getStatus() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.OptionalResult
Returns optional value status.
getTimestamps() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.ImageBatch
Get timestamps, which are corresponded to images in FaceSDK format.
getValue() - Method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.ColorEncoding
Get numeric value of color encoding.
getValue() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.OptionalResult
Get result value.
getVersion() - Static method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.VersionInfo
Returns FaceSDK release version.
getYaw() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.HeadPose
Get yaw angle in degrees.


hashCode() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.FaceSdkNativePeer
HeadPose - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
Pose of head.
HeadPose(float, float, float) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.HeadPose


Image - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
Image in FaceSDK format.
Image(String) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.Image
Image(byte[]) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.Image
Image(byte[], long, long, long) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.Image
ImageBatch - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
Batch of images in FaceSDK format (a sequence of photos).
ImageBatch(List<Image>, List<Long>) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.ImageBatch
InitConfig - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
Configuration of FaceSDK.
InitConfig(String, String) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.InitConfig
InitConfig(String) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.InitConfig
isClass_() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.QualityResult
Get class of quality: true if image has good quality and false otherwise.


KeyPoints - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
Key points of face.
KeyPoints(int[][]) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.KeyPoints


License - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
IDLive Face license.
License() - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.License
LicenseFeature - Enum in net.idrnd.facesdk
IDLive Face license features.
LicenseFeatureInfo - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
IDLive Face license feature info.
LivenessResult - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
Result of liveness detection.
LivenessResult(float, float) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.LivenessResult


Meta - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
Meta information provided for FaceSDK calibration.
Meta() - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta
Meta(Meta.Os, Meta.Manufacturer, Meta.Model, String) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta
Meta(Meta.Os, Meta.Manufacturer, Meta.Model, String, Meta.Calibration) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta
Meta.Calibration - Enum in net.idrnd.facesdk
Liveness checking threshold calibration type.
Meta.Manufacturer - Enum in net.idrnd.facesdk
Manufacturer of device.
Meta.Model - Enum in net.idrnd.facesdk
Model of device.
Meta.Os - Enum in net.idrnd.facesdk
Operating system of device.


net.idrnd.facesdk - package net.idrnd.facesdk
FaceSDK package - package
Common utilities for Android distribution


ok() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.OptionalResult
Checks whether value is OK to unwrap.
ok() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.StatusInfo
Checks if status is OK.
OptionalResult<T> - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
Optional result wrapper.
OptionalResult(T, StatusInfo) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.OptionalResult


parse(long) - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.ColorEncoding
Parse encoding of color from numeric value of color encoding.
Pipeline - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
Pipeline of liveness detection.
Pipeline(String, InitConfig) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.Pipeline
PipelineResult - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
Result of liveness detection and the quality estimation.
PipelineResult(LivenessResult, QualityResult) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.PipelineResult


QualityEngine - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
Engine of quality checking.
QualityEngine(String, InitConfig) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.QualityEngine
QualityResult - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
Result of quality estimation
QualityResult(float, boolean) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.QualityResult


setCalibration(Meta.Calibration) - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta
Set liveness checking threshold calibration type.
setEnableClosedEyesDetection(boolean) - Static method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Settings
Toggles closed eyes detection.
setEnableFaceOcclusionDetection(boolean) - Static method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Settings
Toggles face occlusion detection.
setEnableLogging(boolean) - Static method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Settings
Sets whether to enable FaceSDK logging.
setLicense(String) - Static method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.License
Sets the license.
setManufacturer(Meta.Manufacturer) - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta
Set manufacturer of device.
setModel(Meta.Model) - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta
Set model of device.
setNumThreads(int, Settings.ThreadingLevel) - Static method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Settings
Sets the maximum number of threads available for FaceSDK at the specified level.
setOs(Meta.Os) - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta
Set operating system of device.
setOsVersion(String) - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta
Set version of device operating system.
setOvBindThreads(boolean) - Static method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Settings
Sets the CPU bind setting for OpenVINO backend.
setOvMaxBatchSize(int) - Static method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Settings
Sets the maximum batch size for OpenVINO backend.
setOvNumThroughputStreams(int) - Static method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Settings
Sets the number of CPU execution streams for OpenVINO backend.
Settings - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
Provides a way to control global FaceSDK configuration.
Settings() - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.Settings
Settings.ThreadingLevel - Enum in net.idrnd.facesdk
FaceSDK threading level, used to set different number of threads for different levels
StatusInfo - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
Result status info.
StatusInfo(FaceException.Status, String) - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.StatusInfo


toString() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.BoundingBox
Returns string representation of object.
toString() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.DetectionResult
Returns string representation of object.
toString() - Method in exception net.idrnd.facesdk.FaceException
Returns string representation of object.
toString() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.FaceParameters
Returns string representation of object.
toString() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.HeadPose
Returns string representation of object.
toString() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.KeyPoints
Returns string representation of object.
toString() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.LicenseFeatureInfo
toString() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.LivenessResult
Returns string representation of object.
toString() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta
toString() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.OptionalResult
toString() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.PipelineResult
Returns string representation of object.
toString() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.QualityResult
Returns string representation of object.
toString() - Method in class net.idrnd.facesdk.StatusInfo


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.ColorEncoding
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.FaceException.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.LicenseFeature
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta.Calibration
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta.Manufacturer
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta.Model
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta.Os
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.Settings.ThreadingLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.ColorEncoding
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.FaceException.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.LicenseFeature
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta.Calibration
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta.Manufacturer
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta.Model
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.Meta.Os
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.idrnd.facesdk.Settings.ThreadingLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VersionInfo - Class in net.idrnd.facesdk
Contains FaceSDK version info.
VersionInfo() - Constructor for class net.idrnd.facesdk.VersionInfo
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