IDVoice and IDLive Voice are the products for speaker verification and voice liveness respectively. The underlying software basis for them is IDVoice SDK (VoiceSDK) - a software development kit producing a high level API for all the described capabilities and features. This section describes IDVoice SDK from a technical point of view.

Each IDVoice SDK distribution contains one or more SDK components like Voice Liveness or Voice Verification. The set of components in a distribution is defined according to customer needs.

Core distribution contains the following resources:

  • binary library implemented in C++, provided in platform-specific format
  • configuration files and other resources required by IDVoice SDK components
  • developer documentation in Doxygen/Sphinx/Javadoc format
  • various examples and demos implemented for each programming language supported (C, C++, Java, Python)
  • simple demo applications provided for iOS and Android packages