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IDVoice CC Server Docker image is distributed via Amazon ECR. The current version of the server and the docker pull command for it are in your personal account on the customer portal.

Install Docker

Follow the Docker's instruction to install Docker Engine on Ubuntu, CentOS or other supported platform. For Windows you can use Docker Desktop.

Note that by default you need to run docker with sudo. You can disable it if you want.

Download image

Follow these steps to install an image via the customer portal:

  1. Navigate to your personal account on the custom portal and select the desired image.
  2. In the Docker containers section, click the "Generate command" button.
  3. Wait for the command to be generated. Once ready, click the "Copy" button to copy the pull command.
  4. Use the copied command in Terminal or another tool.

Once the Docker image is pulled, you may want to change its name since the original name is quite long. Use docker tag to create a second short image name:

docker tag \ \

Now you can use voicesdk-cc-server:#.##.# with the Docker commands. The old name is still available if you need it.

Start container

To start the IDVoice Server's container use docker run command:

docker run --name voicesdk-cc -d -p 8080:8080 voicesdk-cc-server:#.##.#

It has the following arguments:

  • --name voicesdk-cc names the started container as voicesdk-cc.
  • -d starts the container in the background.
  • -p 8080:8080 exposes the port 8080.
  • voicesdk-cc-server:#.##.# is the name of the image(replacing #.##.# for the appropriate version).

Note that the name of the image should always be the last argument.

If you use the GPU version of the Server you need to expose your GPU to the container:

docker run --name voicesdk-cc --gpus all -d -p 8080:8080 voicesdk-cc-server:#.##.#

The Server is ready after it prints Started Application to logs. You can check them with:

docker logs voicesdk-cc

Once you see the message the Server is ready to use.

Stop container

To stop and delete the container run these commands:

docker stop voicesdk-cc
docker rm voicesdk-cc

SYS_PTRACE capability

If you use Linux kernel older than 4.8 or your Docker’s version is older than 19.03 you need to additionally enable ptrace capability when starting the container:

docker run --name voicesdk-cc --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE -d -p 8080:8080 voicesdk-cc-server:#.##.#

Otherwise the Server may fail to start. This requirement was removed in the version 1.31.