Call Center SDK  1.11.3
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAttributesStructure representing estimated person attributes
 CAttributesEstimatorClass for estimating person attributes by their voice (age and gender)
 CBuildInfoStructure containing present VoiceSDK CC build info
 CDiarizationEngineDiarization engine class (interface), intended to perform speaker diarization
 CIdentificationResultStructure containing identification result
 CIdentificationListStructure containing list for identification
 CIdentificationEngineIdentification engine class used for creating identification list and for identification itself
 CAntispoofResultResult structure returned from AntispoofEngine::isSpoof functions
 CAntispoofEngineClass for detecting spoofing attacks in audio with human speech. This is an entry point for voice antispoofing. AntispoofEngine is thread-safe
 CTimeIntervalStructure representing time interval
 CAudioIntervalStructure representing interval of audio data
 CVoiceTemplateClass representing a voice template (voice profile)
 COpusUtilsClass with some static utility functions for working with Opus files data
 CAudioInfoStructure containing audio info
 CWavUtilsClass with some static utility functions for working with WAV-data
 CLicenseExceptionA type for exception which is thrown on license expiration or absence
 CVoiceTemplateConverterClass representing a voice template converter
 CQualityCheckEngineResultStructure representing audio quality check result
 CQualityCheckMetricsThresholdsStruct for quality checking metrics thresholds QualityCheckEngine::CheckQuality
 CQualityCheckEngineQuality check engine class
 CSNRComputerClass (interface) for calculating input voice signal signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
 CSpeechEndpointDetectorSpeech endpoint detector class (interface), intended to detect speech end in the audio stream
 CSpeechEndpointDetectorOpusSpeech endpoint detector class (interface), intended to detect speech end in the Opus audio stream
 CSpeechSummaryStructure containing speech statistics and audio intervals marked as speech or non-speech
 CSpeechSummaryStreamClass for online audio stream processing (voice activity detection and speech statistics computation)
 CSpeechSummaryStreamOpusClass for online Opus audio stream processing (voice activity detection and speech statistics computation)
 CSpeechSummaryEngineSpeech summary engine class (interface), intended to calculate SpeechSummary with given audio samples
 CVerifyResultStructure representing voice verification result
 CVoiceTemplateMatcherClass for matching voice templates one-to-one
 CQualityCheckThresholdsStruct for custom quality checking thresholds VoiceTemplateFactory::checkQuality
 CVerifyFileBatchElementStruct for verify factory batch processing VoiceTemplateFactory::createVoiceTemplateBatch
 CVerifySamplesBatchElementStruct for verify factory batch processing VoiceTemplateFactory::createVoiceTemplateBatch
 CVoiceTemplateFactoryClass for creating and merging voice templates
 CVerifyStreamResultStructure containing streaming voice verification result
 CVoiceVerifyStreamClass for continuous voice verification using audio stream
 CVoiceVerifyStreamOpusClass for continuous voice verification using Opus audio stream
 CVoiceSdkAttributesStructure representing estimated person attributes
 CVoiceSdkVerifyResultVoice verification result