Call Center SDK
▼Nvoicesdk | |
▼Nattr | |
CAttributes | Structure representing estimated person attributes |
CAttributesEstimator | Class for estimating person attributes by their voice (age and gender) |
▼Ncallcenter | |
CBuildInfo | Structure containing present VoiceSDK CC build info |
▼Ndiar | |
CDiarizationEngine | Diarization engine class (interface), intended to perform speaker diarization |
▼Nident | |
CIdentificationResult | Structure containing identification result |
CIdentificationList | Structure containing list for identification |
CIdentificationEngine | Identification engine class used for creating identification list and for identification itself |
CAntispoofResult | Result structure returned from AntispoofEngine::isSpoof functions |
CAntispoofEngine | Class for detecting spoofing attacks in audio with human speech. This is an entry point for voice antispoofing. AntispoofEngine is thread-safe |
CTimeInterval | Structure representing time interval |
CAudioInterval | Structure representing interval of audio data |
CVoiceTemplate | Class representing a voice template (voice profile) |
COpusUtils | Class with some static utility functions for working with Opus files data |
CAudioInfo | Structure containing audio info |
CWavUtils | Class with some static utility functions for working with WAV-data |
CLicenseException | A type for exception which is thrown on license expiration or absence |
CVoiceTemplateConverter | Class representing a voice template converter |
CQualityCheckEngineResult | Structure representing audio quality check result |
CQualityCheckMetricsThresholds | Struct for quality checking metrics thresholds QualityCheckEngine::CheckQuality |
CQualityCheckEngine | Quality check engine class |
CSNRComputer | Class (interface) for calculating input voice signal signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) |
CSpeechEndpointDetector | Speech endpoint detector class (interface), intended to detect speech end in the audio stream |
CSpeechEndpointDetectorOpus | Speech endpoint detector class (interface), intended to detect speech end in the Opus audio stream |
CSpeechEvent | |
CSpeechInfo | |
CSpeechSummary | Structure containing speech statistics and audio intervals marked as speech or non-speech |
CSpeechSummaryStream | Class for online audio stream processing (voice activity detection and speech statistics computation) |
CSpeechSummaryStreamOpus | Class for online Opus audio stream processing (voice activity detection and speech statistics computation) |
CSpeechSummaryEngine | Speech summary engine class (interface), intended to calculate SpeechSummary with given audio samples |
CVerifyResult | Structure representing voice verification result |
CVoiceTemplateMatcher | Class for matching voice templates one-to-one |
CQualityCheckThresholds | Struct for custom quality checking thresholds VoiceTemplateFactory::checkQuality |
CVerifyFileBatchElement | Struct for verify factory batch processing VoiceTemplateFactory::createVoiceTemplateBatch |
CVerifySamplesBatchElement | Struct for verify factory batch processing VoiceTemplateFactory::createVoiceTemplateBatch |
CVoiceTemplateFactory | Class for creating and merging voice templates |
CVerifyStreamResult | Structure containing streaming voice verification result |
CVoiceVerifyStream | Class for continuous voice verification using audio stream |
CVoiceVerifyStreamOpus | Class for continuous voice verification using Opus audio stream |
CVoiceSdkAntispoofResult | |
CVoiceSdkAttributes | Structure representing estimated person attributes |
CVoiceSdkAudioInfo | |
CVoiceSdkAudioInterval | |
CVoiceSdkBuildInfo | |
CVoiceSdkLicenseExpirationDate | |
CVoiceSdkQualityCheckEngineResult | |
CVoiceSdkQualityCheckMetricsThresholds | |
CVoiceSdkSpeechEvent | |
CVoiceSdkSpeechInfo | |
CVoiceSdkSpeechSummary | |
CVoiceSdkTimestamp | |
CVoiceSdkTimestampArray | |
CVoiceSdkVerifyResult | Voice verification result |
CVoiceSdkVerifyStreamResult | |
CVoiceSdkVerifyStreamResultArray |