You can listen for the following events that the component emits
const idliveFaceCapture = document.querySelector('idlive-face-capture');
idliveFaceCapture.addEventListener('initialize', () => {});
The component is initialized and ready to open camera
The camera starts to open
The camera is open and element is ready to show video
Returns an HTMLVideoElement
idliveFaceCapture.addEventListener('open', (event) => {
const { video } = event.detail[0];
faceDetection ¶
A face detection result
Returns an array with the strings described in the "Detection Errors" section if a face detection error occurred, or an empty array if the face was detected correctly
idliveFaceCapture.addEventListener('faceDetection', (event) => {
const { errors } = event.detail[0];
detection ¶
A detection result
Returns an array with the strings described in the "Detection Errors" section if a detection error occurred, or an empty array if there are no detection errors
idliveFaceCapture.addEventListener('detection', (event) => {
const { errors } = event.detail[0];
The capture process started
The capture process completed
Returns a photo and an encrypted file for verification
idliveFaceCapture.addEventListener('capture', (event) => {
const { photo, encryptedFile } = event.detail[0];
The camera was closed
A critical error occurred
Returns a string with the text of the error
idliveFaceCapture.addEventListener('error', (event) => {
const { message } = event.detail[0];
licenseInfo ¶
Event that occurs after requesting license information using getLicenseInfo
Returns an expiration date
idliveFaceCapture.addEventListener('licenseInfo', (event) => {
const { expirationDate } = event.detail[0];