Migration from previous version¶
Migration from previous versions to 1.5 is below change log
Change log¶
Version 1.5.0¶
Bug fixes
- Fixed: control photo is sometimes too dark on iOS
New features
- Distribute iOS IAD library as xcframework packages
- Experimental feature: Non-UI mode
Major changes
framework name was changed toIDLiveFaceCamera.xcframework
framework name was changed toIDLiveFaceLiveness.xcframework
framework name was changed toIDLiveFaceIAD.xcframework
- Demo app was modified and also path is a little bit different:
- IDLiveFaceCamera framework in IDCameraControllerDelegate protocol:
- changed:
image: UIImage
→capturedImage: IDImage
allowToTakeManually: Bool
→captureMode: PhotoCaptureMode
is renamed torunInBackground
(used only for non-ui mode)
- added:
showFaceDetectionErrors: Bool
stopAfterCapture: Bool
lastLiveImage: IDImage?
canTakePhotoNow: Bool
- animation to capture button
- changed:
- IDCameraControllerDelegate protocol was changed:
func cameraControllerShouldShowFaceDetectionMessage(_ controller: IDCameraControllerBase, result: FaceDetectorResult) -> Bool
func cameraControllerDidUpdateFaceResult(_ controller: IDCameraControllerBase, result: FaceDetectorResult, image: IDImage?, momentary: Bool)
func cameraControllerDidUpdateViewMode(_ controller: IDCameraControllerBase)
// (used only for non-ui mode)
func cameraControllerDidUpdateLiveImage(_ controller: IDCameraControllerBase, image: IDImage)
- IDLiveFaceCamera → FaceDetectorResult:
- renamed
- renamed: error, ignorableError, fatalError → faceDetectionError, faceDetectionIgnorableError, faceDetectionFatalError
- renamed
var rawValue
→var message
var isError
is now exposed (public)- added one more FaceDetectorResult: customUserError
- renamed
Migration from previous versions to 1.5¶
- You have to change Xcode project settings.
- In General tab remove previous framework versions and add the new one instead
- You have to change all imports from IDCameraController to IDLiveFaceCamera if you use it
- IDCameraControllerDelegate was changed, so you need to update all instances which you are using. Please check changelog for more details
- FaceDetectorResult was expanded and changed
was changed to →addCustomFaceDetectorClosure
so if you using it you also have to make some changes here