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Logic flow

Logic flow diagram for IDLive Face Plus (IAD) iOS

Mobile App->>+IDLiveFaceCamera  : init camera session
    Note over IDLiveFaceCamera  : take photo (auto/manual)
    IDLiveFaceCamera->>+Mobile App  : did capture image
    Mobile App->>+IDLiveFaceCamera  : Photo
    IDLiveFaceCamera->>+IDLiveFaceIAD   : create IADBundle
    IDLiveFaceIAD->>-IDLiveFaceCamera   : IADBundle
    IDLiveFaceCamera->>-Mobile App  : IADBundle
    Mobile App->>+IDLiveFaceLiveness    : IADBundle
    Note over IDLiveFaceLiveness    : init network session request
    IDLiveFaceLiveness->>+Server    : IADBundle
    Server->>-IDLiveFaceLiveness    : Attack detection result
    Note over IDLiveFaceLiveness    : Process result
    IDLiveFaceLiveness->>-Mobile App    : Result
    Note over Mobile App    : Present result

The logic flow for using IDLive Face Plus (IAD) iOS frameworks is as follows:

  1. Instantiate and configure the camera controller.
  2. Present the camera controller.
  3. Wait for the user to take the photo (automatically or manually).
  4. Handle result via delegate methods.
  5. If result is unsuccessfull (photo is not taken), process the error and dismiss the controller, or let the user retry.
  6. If result is successfull (photo is taken), receive the data (photo or IAD bundle) from the controller.
  7. For attack detection, send the data to server or process locally
  8. Receive the result and process it (e.g. show it in the controller UI).