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IDLive Face Plus

As presentation attack detection and mitigation measures advance, fraudsters are increasingly turning to injection attacks. Digital onboarding and authentication processing that permit use of laptops and desktops are particularly vulnerable. IDLive Face Plus is the first known product focused explicitly on this type of injection attack detection. The product detects the most threatening attack vectors: virtual cameras, external devices, browser attacks, network attacks. The product is able to stop a variety of attack content: 3D rendering, face morphing, face swap, cheap fake, deep fake.

In certain cases, the Injection Attack Detector may mistakenly reject presentation attacks as injection attacks. This misclassification is considered acceptable as our approach prioritises security by ensuring that all forms of attacks, whether correctly identified or not, are blocked to prevent unauthorised access.


Solution Description

This solution consists of two layers: Capture Library and IAD Server. The Capture Library controls the client capture process and makes an object available for your application to call. It further packages metadata with the images it captures and encrypts the entire bundle for transmission.

The IAD Server knows how to unpack the package from the client to perform both injection attack detection and presentation attack detection (Note that presentation attack detection or “liveness” will be separated in the next release).

The following sections describe each layer in more detail:

IDLF Plus is compatible with smartphones, laptops, and web cameras. If your use case involves a capturing device that differs from these standard options, please contact us. We are available to assist you in configuring the appropriate settings for IDLF Plus to ensure optimal performance.