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If required the IDLive Face Server can configure CORS to allow all cross-origin HTTP requests. It is not recommended to use this feature in the production, but it may be suitable for debugging purposes. To activate it set the SERVER_ALLOW_CORS environment variable to true:

docker run \
    --env SERVER_ALLOW_CORS=true \

System endpoints

The Server provides several system endpoints, that are available on the default 8080 port. You can change the port if you do not want to expose such endpoints. Set the required port via the MANAGEMENT_SERVER_PORT environment variable:

docker run \
    -p 9001:9001 \

Memory factor

You may decrease the memory usage of the IDLive Face Server by sacrificing performance. There is an environment variable FACESDK_SERVER_MEM_FACTOR that affects an upper boundary for the native memory allocator. By default it's 8, setting it to lower value may decrease the Server's memory usage. The lowest value is 1.

docker run \