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Face analysis

There are two parameters that can affect the face analysis result: the domain and tolerance.

The domain defines a subset of characteristics that the face analysis should be sensitive to. There are two available domains: GENERAL, suitable for most cases, and DESKTOP, which is calibrated for images taken via a desktop web-camera. If the domain is not explicitly set, a set of heuristics is used to select the appropriate one.

The tolerance defines how strict the face analysis should be, which in return affects APCER / BPCER balance. There are three available options:

  • REGULAR targets low APCER. Used by default.
  • SOFT achieves lower BPCER while still having acceptable APCER.
  • HARDENED targets extra low APCER with higher BPCER.

The domain or tolerance can be selected via the blueprint, before you create the face analyzer:

idliveface::Blueprint blueprint(...);


idliveface::FaceAnalyzer analyzer = blueprint.CreateFaceAnalyzer();
blueprint = idliveface.Blueprint(...)


analyzer = blueprint.create_face_analyzer()
Blueprint blueprint = new Blueprint(...);


FaceAnalyzer analyzer = blueprint.createFaceAnalyzer();

You can also specify the required domain or tolerance for a single image only:

idliveface::FaceAnalysisParameters parameters;
parameters.domain = idliveface::Domain::kGeneral;
parameters.tolerance = idliveface::Tolerance::kHardened;

idliveface::FaceAnalysisResult result = analyzer.Analyze(image, parameters);
result = analyzer.analyze(image,
FaceAnalysisResult result = analyzer.analyze(image,
        new FaceAnalysisParameters()