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Mobile licensing

IDLive Face uses software protection to protect ID R&D's intellectual property. Since release 1.46, to function, the IDLive Face's libraries require a license key, which should be installed on the target system at runtime.

If the key is not present your application will fail to start.

You don't need the license key to compile the application, only to run it.

License variants

IDLive Face SDK is distributed in 2 variants: Eval (for evaluation) and Prod (for production). They differ in limitations the license imposes:

  • The evaluation variant will function for 90 days from the release date.

  • The production variant will function for 1 year from the release date.

Install license key

The license key is a file with an extension .txt. In order to work, the license file must be read into memory and installed it using the License.setLicense API

package net.idrnd.idliveface;

import IDLiveFace


Once the license has been set, the application will run the pipelines allowed by the license