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I'm getting "current 'vm.max_map_count' limit is too low" error

You need to increase vm.max_map_count kernel parameter:

sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=2097152

Note that if you are using SELinux and it is in enforcing mode the command above may not work. You can query the SELinux mode with getenforce command. If this is the case you can temporarily disable it with setenforce 0 and try to set vm.max_map_count again.

Can't run my application in AWS Lambda

Generally IDLive Face does not support serverless platforms like AWS Lambda or Azure Functions. If you need to use such platforms, you may contact our sales representative, and we might provide a solution on a case-by-case basis.

Slow performance on NUMA systems

IDLive Face does not support NUMA (i.e. multi-socket configuration). While it will function on such systems, the performance will be inadequate. We advice not to use such systems and run IDLive Face on a single-socket configuration only.

If you have to use a machine with NUMA you need to pin the IDLive Face Server to a single socket (for example with with numactl or taskset utilities).

RTE fails to install on RHEL 9

On RHEL 9 the RTE can fail to install with Unsupported Linux distribution error. To bypass it you need to install chkconfig package:

yum install chkconfig -y

How to find whal license keys are installed

If you want to check the license status without running IDLive Face and using the API, you can query installed keys via the install_license_* utility:

$ install_license_* --list-installed

ID                  | Mode      | Expires at (UTC)
1005438365686137737 | adminmode | 2024-03-27 23:59
1040867890050261664 | usermode  | 2023-12-11 23:59
1046068590055419621 | usermode  | perpetual