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Image Meta

You can provide additional information about the image to improve the liveness checks. To do that you need to fill the Meta object and pass it alongside with the image to the checkLiveness method:

facesdk::Meta meta;
meta.os = facesdk::Meta::OS::DESKTOP;
meta.calibration = facesdk::Meta::CALIBRATION::SOFT;

result = pipeline.checkLiveness(image, meta);
meta = sdk.Meta()
meta.os = sdk.Meta.OS.DESKTOP
meta.calibration = sdk.Meta.CALIBRATION.SOFT

result = pipeline.checkLiveness(image, meta)
Meta meta = new Meta();

result = pipeline.checkLiveness(image, meta);
Meta meta = new Meta();
meta.Os = MetaOs.DESKTOP;
meta.Calibration = MetaCalibration.SOFT;

result = pipeline.CheckLiveness(image, meta);

This object has the following fields:


The environment the image was taken in. Possible values are IOS, ANDROID, DESKTOP or UNKNOWN (the default). DESKTOP corresponds to a desktop webcam or other IP camera. We strongly encourage you to specify this parameter if you know the source of the image because the software adjusts internal settings based on the image source. If you do not know the source of the image, the software will attempt to determine the source of the image based on characteristics in the image.


APCER / BPCER balance:

  • REGULAR (the default) targets low APCER.
  • SOFT achieves lower BPCER while still having acceptable APCER.
  • HARDENED targets extra low APCER with higher BPCER.

There are other fields but they are not used at the moment.