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Error statuses

IDLive Face API throws the FaceException, which contains a status field. There are two categories of statuses:

  1. Image rejection reasons – The image is rejected when a face on it does not meet the necessary requirements. Returned by checkLiveness and similar functions.

  2. General errors – User and system-related errors. Returned throughout the API.

Image rejection reasons


The face is too close to the camera, i.e. a distance between the face and the horizontal or vertical image borders is too small.


The face is too close to one or more image borders.


The face is cropped.


There is occlusion of the face. This detection is designed to work with the medical masks that cover nose and mouth, other occlusions are not guaranteed. The occlusion detection has probabilistic nature and may have errors.


The face detector can't find the face on the image. The face detection has some sensitivity level and may ignore very small faces.


The face detector found more than one face on the image.


The facial area is not big enough for the analysis. The face can be considered small for several reasons:

  • Face size in pixels is too small.
  • Interpupillary distance in pixels is too small.
  • The difference between the image size and the face size is too large.

The out-of-plane rotation angle (face pitch and yaw) is too large.


Eyes were detected as closed.

General errors

Name Description
INVALID_CONFIG A configuration file has an invalid format or missing fields.
INVALID_META Invalid facesdk.Meta value provided.
FAILED_TO_READ_IMAGE Failed to decode an image, either because it is corrupted or in unsupported format.
FAILED_TO_WRITE_IMAGE Failed to save the image with Image.saveImage.
LICENSE_ERROR There was a problem with a license, usually returned when it has expired.
FAILED_TO_READ_MODEL Model deserializing error.
FAILED_TO_ALLOCATE Memory allocation error.
NO_SUCH_OBJECT_IN_BUILD Engine or backend is not supported by the build.
FAILED_TO_PREDICT_LANDMARKS Landmarks prediction error.
INVALID_FUSE_MODE Invalid fuse mode selected.
NULLPTR Null pointer provided.
UNKNOWN Unhandled exception in the code.