IDLive Face C# API 1.48.0
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CBoundingBoxFace rectangle bounding box
 CDetectEngineFace detection engine
 CDetectionResultFace detection result
 CFaceExceptionCustom runtime exception for FaceSDK methods
 CFaceParametersFacial parameters
 CHeadPoseSet of yaw, pith, and roll angles (in degrees)
 CImageClass for storing image in Face SDK format
 CImageBatchClass for storing Image batch (a sequence of photos)
 CInitConfigConfiguration file parser
 CKeypointsFacial key points
 CLicenseFeatureInfoIDLive Face license feature info
 CLivenessResultLiveness detection result
 CMetaMeta information provided for calibration
 COptionalResultOptional result wrapper, wraps an instance of a result class and only allows to access it when status is OK
 CPipelineLiveness detection pipeline
 CPipelineResultLiveness detection result
 CQualityEngineQuality estimation engine
 CQualityResultQuality estimation result
 CSettingsProvides a way to control global FaceSDK configuration
 CStatusInfoResult status info, contains the same info as FaceException
 CVersionInfoFaceSDK version info