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The IDLive Doc Server Docker container contains a bundled license file, so no additional actions are needed from the user in order to run and use the container. However, for some specific cases advanced licensing configuration might be needed. IDLive Doc Server provides few different ways to configure license usage. Below is the description of available configurations.

Using a license server

 $ docker run -d --name das --publish 8080:8080                            \
                 --env=HASP_NETWORK_LICENSE_SERVER=license_server_address  \

HASP_NETWORK_LICENSE_SERVER: Sets the location to the licensing server with the network licenses. Only provide server’s name, without port or protocol.

Using a license file

 $ docker run -d --name das --publish 8080:8080                          \
                 -v /path/to/v2c/file:/path/to/v2c/file/in/container     \
                 --env=HASP_LICENSE_FILE=/path/to/v2c/file/in/container  \

HASP_LICENSE_FILE: The path to the v2c file to install. You can mount the directory with it as a volume.

Using a license installed on a host machine

 $ docker run -d --name das                      \
                 --net=host                      \
                 --env=HASP_ENABLE_RTE=false     \

HASP_ENABLE_RTE: Enables the startup of the RTE. License manager and ACC won’t be accessible. Use it if you intend to connect container to the host’s network.