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Image storage

IDLD Server can be configured to store collected images in S3 storage service or filesystem. This functionality is optional and is only enabled if the IDLIVEDOC_SERVER_STORAGE_TYPE environment variable is defined. Available options are:


Images are stored asynchronously without blocking the main processing thread.

Amazon S3

Use the following environment variables along the IDLIVEDOC_SERVER_STORAGE_TYPE=aws:

  • S3_TOKEN - public token from Amazon IAM account page;
  • S3_SECRET - private token counterpart;
  • S3_PATH - path inside bucket, e.g. "idld-server/saved-data";
  • S3_REGION - region where bucket operates;
  • S3_BUCKET - bucket name, e.g. "";


The S3_TOKEN and S3_SECRET variables are optional. The default AWS credential provider chain will be used if those are omitted.


The path from S3_PATH variable should already exist inside the selected bucket.

$ docker run \
    -e S3_TOKEN=my_public_token \
    -e S3_SECRET=my_secret_token \
    -e S3_PATH=idld-server/saved-data \
    -e S3_REGION=eu-central-1 \
    -e S3_BUCKET=audios


Use the following environment variables along the IDLIVEDOC_SERVER_STORAGE_TYPE=minio:

  • S3-URL - S3 endpoint URL of the storage service;
  • S3_TOKEN - user's access key or username;
  • S3_SECRET - user's corresponding secret key or password;
  • S3_PATH - path inside bucket, e.g. "idld-server/saved-data";
  • S3_BUCKET - bucket name, e.g. "my.minio.bucket";


The path from S3_PATH variable should already exist inside the selected bucket.

$ docker run \
    -e S3_URL="" \
    -e S3_TOKEN=my_access_key \
    -e S3_SECRET=my_secret_key \
    -e S3_PATH=idld-server/saved-data \
    -e S3_BUCKET=audios


Use the following environment variables along the IDLIVEDOC_SERVER_STORAGE_TYPE=file-storage:

  • IDLIVEDOC_SERVER_STORAGE_FILE_STORAGE_PATH (optional) - path to directory to save data to. Defaults to /file-storage.
$ mkdir /host/directory/to/save/data
$ chmod a+rwx /host/directory/to/save/data # the directory must be accessible for the main process user in the container
$ docker run \
    -v /host/directory/to/save/data:/file-storage \