The IDLive Doc REST API uses the following HTTP error codes:

Code Meaning
406 Not Acceptable Appears when user sends inappropriate data format
408 Internal Service Timeout Appears when engine is overloaded and doesn't respond to API
500 Internal Server Error Appears when critical issue is handled: memory overflow, decoder error or pipeline unexpected exception

OK response data is always in JSON format. If you received a 200 code, your data has been accepted, but the liveness check itself may have been failed due to image validation error:

Error code Error message
DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND Document is not detected in the image
DOCUMENT_PHOTO_NOT_FOUND Document photo is not detected in the image
DOCUMENT_CROPPED Document is cropped (part of the document is not present in the image), corresponds to DOCUMENT_BORDERS_OUTSIDE_OF_FRAME image quality warning code

In addition to image validation errors, the REST API can produce a set of image quality warnings:

Image quality warning code Description
RELATIVE_DOCUMENT_SIZE_LOWER_THAN_10_PERCENT Document size (area) is lower than 10% of the image size
DOCUMENT_BORDERS_OUTSIDE_OF_FRAME Document border(s) are outside of the image, corresponds to DOCUMENT_CROPPED hard error code
MULTIPLE_DOCUMENTS_IN_FRAME More than one document are present in the frame
DOCUMENT_TOO_CLOSE_TO_BORDER Document is too close to the frame border