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IDLive Doc Cloud API


In order to deliver an easy-to-use means for IDLive Doc evaluation, ID R&D provides cloud API for the IDLive Doc REST API. Access to the cloud API is controlled via API keys provided by ID R&D. Cloud API is available on the following base URL: You can find basic API usage example at the right panel. For the further usage instructions please refer to the IDLive Doc Server API documentation section.

Available endpoints

Path Description HTTP Method
/check_liveness_file Document liveness check using a single image (file upload) POST
/check_liveness Document liveness check using a single image (JSON body) POST
/api_version Backend deployment description (SDK version, available pipelines etc.) GET
/v3/api-docs OpenAPI specification, can be used for client generation (e.g. by importing to Postman) GET

Usage example

Below is a sample /check_liveness request to IDLive Doc Cloud API using curl command line utility:

(echo -n '{
              "image": "'; base64 image.png; echo '",
              "pipelines": [
                  {"pipeline_name": "default-sr"},
                  {"pipeline_name": "default-pc"},
                  {"pipeline_name": "default-ps", "calibration": "HARD"}
          }') | \
curl -H "x-api-key: <API-key>" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -X POST -d @-

The same can be achieved using the /check_liveness_file API endpoint which supports direct file upload:

curl -H "x-api-key: <API-key>" -F file=@/data/image0.png -X POST \,default-pc,default-ps&calibrations=REGULAR,REGULAR,HARD