DocSDK 2.4.1


class DocSdk.Image

Image representation.

class ColorEncoding

Image color encoding.


RGB888 : RGB encoding, each channel value is represented as 8 bits.

BGR888 : BGR encoding, each channel value is represented as 8 bits.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: DocSdk.DocSdk.Image, data: bytes)

Image constructor, creates Image from a buffer containing image file contents.


data (bytes) – Buffer containing image file contents.

  • RuntimeError – On native exceptions thrown in underlying C++ code.

  • TypeError – On invalid argument type.

  1. __init__(self: DocSdk.DocSdk.Image, file_path: str)

Image constructor, creates Image from an image file using given file path.


file_path (str) – Path to image file.

  • RuntimeError – On native exceptions thrown in underlying C++ code.

  • TypeError – On invalid argument type.

  1. __init__(self: DocSdk.DocSdk.Image, raw_data: numpy.ndarray[numpy.uint8], num_rows: int, num_cols: int, encoding: docsdk::Image::ColorEncoding)

Image constructor, creates Image from raw color data.

  • raw_data (numpy.array) – Raw color data (flattened three-dimensional array containing color channel values for each image pixel).

  • num_rows (int) – Number of image rows.

  • num_cols (int) – Number of image columns.

  • encoding (Image.ColorEncoding) – Image color encoding.

  • RuntimeError – On native exceptions thrown in underlying C++ code.

  • TypeError – On invalid argument type.

class DocSdk.LivenessCheckOptions

Configurable options used for document liveness check.

class Calibration

Score/threshold calibration to be used.


Regular : Regular calibration, targets low APCER.

Soft : Soft calibration, achieves lower BPCER while still having acceptable APCER.

Hard : Hard calibration, achieves lower APCER while still having acceptable BPCER.

property calibration

Score/threshold calibration to be used for document liveness check.



property errors_to_ignore

Defines which validation errors should be ignored during the liveness check.

class DocSdk.LivenessPipeline

Document liveness checking pipeline.

__init__(self: DocSdk.DocSdk.LivenessPipeline, path_to_config: str)

Liveness pipeline constructor.


path_to_config (str) – Path to liveness pipeline configuration file.

  • RuntimeError – On native exceptions thrown in underlying C++ code.

  • LicenseException – On license errors.

  • TypeError – On invalid argument type.

check_liveness(self: DocSdk.DocSdk.LivenessPipeline, image: DocSdk.DocSdk.Image, options: DocSdk.DocSdk.LivenessCheckOptions = <DocSdk.DocSdk.LivenessCheckOptions object at 0x7f4c3d3189f0>) DocSdk.DocSdk.LivenessPipelineResult

Checks liveness using the provided document photo.

  • image (Image) – Image containing the photo of document.

  • option (LivenessCheckOptions, optional) – Optional liveness check options.


Liveness checking result.

Return type


  • RuntimeError – On native exceptions thrown in underlying C++ code.

  • LicenseException – On license errors.

  • TypeError – On invalid argument type.

check_liveness_sequence(self: DocSdk.DocSdk.LivenessPipeline, images: List[DocSdk.DocSdk.Image], options: DocSdk.DocSdk.LivenessCheckOptions = <DocSdk.DocSdk.LivenessCheckOptions object at 0x7f4c3d318cb0>) DocSdk.DocSdk.LivenessPipelineResult

Performs liveness check using a sequence of photos (e.g. taken from video) producing a single aggregated liveness checking result.

  • images (list) – List of images containing photo sequence.

  • option (LivenessCheckOptions, optional) – Optional liveness check options.


Liveness checking result.

Return type


  • RuntimeError – On native exceptions thrown in underlying C++ code.

  • LicenseException – On license errors.

  • TypeError – On invalid argument type.

class DocSdk.LivenessPipelineResult

Liveness pipeline result.

class ImageQualityWarning

Image quality warning (image quality check is performed along with liveness check).


RelativeDocumentSizeLowerThan10Percent : Document size (area) is lower than 10% of the frame size.

DocumentBordersOutsideOfFrame : Document border(s) are outside of the frame. Corresponds to ValidationStatusCode.DocumentCropped.

MultipleDocumentsInFrame : More than one document are present in the frame. Corresponds to ValidationStatusCode.TooManyDocuments.

DocumentTooCloseToBorder : Document is too close to the frame border.

ImageTooBlurry : Image is too blurry.

ImageTooCompressed : Image is too compressed.

PoorImageExposure : Image is either too bright or too dark.

GlareOnImage : Image has glare.

class ValidationStatusCode

Image validation status code (image validation is performed beforehand each liveness check).


Ok : Validation successful.

DocumentTooCloseToCamera : Document is too close to the camera.

DocumentTooCloseToBorder : Document is too close to the image border.

DocumentCropped : Document is cropped (part of the document is not present in the image). Corresponds to ImageQualityWarning.DocumentBordersOutsideOfFrame.

DocumentNotFound : Document is not detected in the image.

DocumentTooSmall : Document size in the image is too small.

TooManyDocuments : Too many documents were detected in the image. Corresponds to ImageQualityWarning.MultipleDocumentsInFrame.

DocumentIsColorless : Document is colorless (black and white).

DocumentPhotoNotFound : Document photo is not detected in the image.

class Value

Document liveness check result.

property image_quality_warnings

Image quality warnings.



property liveness_probability

Document liveness probability from 0 to 1.



property liveness_score

Raw liveness checking score, can be used for calibration.



property quality_score

Image quality checking score (deprecated, this value is always zero, use image_quality_warnings instead) .



get_status_code(self: DocSdk.DocSdk.LivenessPipelineResult) docsdk::LivenessPipelineResult::ValidationStatusCode

Returns validation status code.


Validation status code.

Return type


get_value(self: DocSdk.DocSdk.LivenessPipelineResult) docsdk::LivenessPipelineResult::Value

Returns document liveness checking result if validation was successful. Otherwise, throws an exception.


Liveness checking result.

Return type



RuntimeError – If validation status code is not Ok.

ok(self: DocSdk.DocSdk.LivenessPipelineResult) bool

Returns a binary value indicated whether the validation was successful.


True if validation was successful, False otherwise.

Return type


DocSdk.get_license_info() List[DocSdk.DocSdk.DocSdkFeature]

Returns information (e.g. supported features and expiration dates) about the installed license if available.


List of document liveness features available with the installed license.

Return type


DocSdk.set_num_threads(num_threads: int)

Sets the maximum number of CPU threads available for DocSDK.If 0 is passed, then the optimal number of CPU threads is detected automatically (the same effect is achieved if the function is not called).


num_threads (int) – Maximum number of CPU threads available for DocSDK.

Note: Function call is equivalent to setting DOCSDK_NUM_THREADS_PIPELINE, DOCSDK_NUM_THREADS_ENGINEand DOCSDK_NUM_THREADS_OPERATOR environment variables to the same value before loading the DocSDK library. Function call takes precedence over environment variables.

DocSdk.set_runtime_license(license_str: str)

Sets the runtime license. Only takes effect in “Lambda” SDK distribution and should be called before any other SDK invocation.


license_str (str) – String holding the license content.

  • RuntimeError – On native exceptions thrown in underlying C++ code.

  • LicenseException – On invalid license string.

  • TypeError – On invalid argument type.