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Project setup

Inside folder idrnd_frameworks_delivery/frameworks you will find frameworks.

List of modules:

  • IDLiveFaceCamera implements a streamlined UI for helping a user take a photo while checking it for quality compliance, and to show the result of the liveness assessment
  • IDLiveFaceIAD implements features allowing IDCameraController to create the IAD (injection attack detection) bundle suitable for sending to server.

These modules are designed to avoid specific injection attacks occurring on iOS device environments and is designed to be bundled into other iOS applications as a feature that will aid in verifying digital identity attacks.

This delivery contains iOS frameworks for integrating the IAD (injection attack detection) technology into your application, as well as documentation and an example app.

  • check the docs folder for more documentation for each framework.
  • check an example demo app [Sample App][demo_app] that makes use of our iOS Capture Library in folder: (idlive-face-capture-ios-X.X.X/idrnd_frameworks_delivery/CameraExample_IAD/CameraExample)


Please be sure that your Xcode version is at least Xcode 15.0.x

So in your Xcode Project Settings (Settings General/Frameworks,Libraries, and embedded content) you should add frameworks described below:

Add IDLiveFaceCamera.xcframework to your project.
Using the capture module is required for IAD.

Add IDLiveFaceIAD.xcframework if you want to use IAD features and send the IAD bundle to server. This will make IAD methods available to use. IDLiveFaceIAD.xcframework is only shipped in compiled form.

In General tab of your project target these frameworks should have option embedded and signed selected.

If an error occurs during the building of your app, make sure that the frameworks are being linked against in Build Phases.

If needed, add a path to the frameworks to Framework Search Paths in Build Settings (e.g. $(PROJECT_DIR)/frameworks)


It is important to add NSCameraUsageDescription to your Info.plist

Add NSCameraUsageDescription to your Info.plist to allow your app to take photos.
The message you will enter will be shown when the user is asked for permission to take photos.

iOS version support

IDLive Face framework family contains several frameworks that can be delivered to you in different variants, that affect support of different iOS versions.

IDLiveFaceCamera.xcframework: iOS 13.0+

IDLiveFaceIAD.xcframework: iOS 13.0+

IDLiveFaceLiveness.xcframework: iOS 13.0+